Who is Green Bean? Green Bean is a fictional character from the Green Bean Collection, a series of collectable children’s books, toys, music and entertainment productions created by author Anita Frost. Green Bean is a household friend for children from birth, to preschool, to primary school age. Green Bean teaches learning through play, supporting social and emotional development, and promoting healthy and sustainable living. Green Bean lives in the beautiful lands of Adventure Dales with five unique friends who love learning and playing together. A note from the Author/Founder My aim is to help educate and inspire families globally to nurture the environment, enjoy the world's natural resources, and live healthier and greener lives. Children are at the heart of everything I do, and I'm passionate about creating books, toys, games, music and wholesome entertainment media that help to educate and inspire children, developing key skills, and enabling their creativity to flourish. I'm proud to have created a brand and products that children and parents adore, and keep coming back to time and time again. Supporting young children with their learning and reading is incorporated into every aspect of the business; even TV shows can support this if done with the right intentions, and our plans to develop the Green Bean Collection® stories into a children's animated TV series will have education and learning through fun at its core. -x- Anita Frost -x- Baby Books This is a collectable set containing three titles from the beautiful, high-contrast 'Baby Bean Collection' series; The high-contrast illustrations, with splashes of spot colour are specially designed for the very young to focus on. It is an ideal little library of first words books. Toddler Books Each book is made from a sturdy board, which is perfect for little hands that are still learning to turn pages. The thick pages also make it less likely that the books will get damaged from enthusiastic handling, ensuring that they will last for many readings to come. Early Readers Early Reading Books are essential for children's development. They're the first introduction to reading that your little one will have. Green bean is hear to save the day with our fantastic collection. Just use the filters below to choose your kids first reading book. Here at the Green Bean Studios®, we honour the fact that children need space to read, and through the Green Bean Collection® we have created characters that encourage and celebrate learning. Our teaching goes beyond learning about numbers and colours - we seek to build the confidence and self-worth of young children and demonstrate the importance of friendship. The individuality of each character lends itself to lessons about the uniqueness of each child and how we are all special as we are. Green Bean, Mr Bear and new friend, Beckett the Bee, partake in fun adventures that take children on a magical journey.
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Find out more about our children’s books, toys, games, outdoor activities and edutainment media. Editor
Melissa Brannlund is the features writer and editor, for Green Bean Studios. www.greenbeancollection.co.uk Want to keep updated on all things Green Bean?
Stay tuned for announcements on our website about exciting competitions, giveaways and the latest news from Green Bean Studios. You can find Melissa's monthly features on the News & Media page, discussing children's books, toys, and games,, reading, play, early years education, and enjoying a fun and greener lifestyle. For more information or any PR queries, please contact Melissa by emailing [email protected]. Categories
SHOPGreen™Children's BooksChildren's ToysChildren's GamesChildren's OutdoorCharactersGreen BeanBeckettMr BearBobbyRosieHarley
Colouring FunStorytimeAwardsChildren’s Toy Retailer of the Year 2021 |