Green Bean is a fictional character from the Green Bean Collection, a series of children's books, toys, music, and entertainment productions. Green Bean is a fun-loving and cheeky character who lives in Adventure Dales with five friends. Green Bean's role is to teach children through play, support their social and emotional development, and promote healthy and sustainable living. The characters in the Green Bean Collection are designed to appeal to children aged 2 to 10 years old, as well as parents and broadcasters Green Bean & Friends™
Recommended by Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide Green Bean™ is one cool character. Green Bean™ loves to be outside and is passionate about taking care of the environment. Independently he is a sweet little plush toy with dangly arms and legs your little one will never want to let go of. Or purchase the story book all about Green Bean’s garden adventures to further inspire your child’s imagination. Our testers said Green Bean™ was immediately engaging to their small children, with younger babies interested in reaching for him and exploring his arms and legs and slightly older toddlers including him in their imaginative play, inviting Green Bean™ to tea parties with their other soft toys. Testers liked the quality and material of the toy and the size of the bean meaning it was easily held by even the smallest of little ones. This Green Bean™ Soft Toy promotes sensory development, inspires imaginative play and encourages emotional regulation. The Green Bean™ Soft Toy makes a treasured gift for any child. Recommended by Dr Gummer’s Good Play Guide. ©Green Bean Collection Take a peek at our 2D animation and watercolour mock-up designs, by our super-talented teams.
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Find out more about our children’s books, toys, games, outdoor activities and edutainment media. Editor
Melissa Brannlund is the features writer and editor, for Green Bean Studios. Want to keep updated on all things Green Bean?
Stay tuned for announcements on our website about exciting competitions, giveaways and the latest news from Green Bean Studios. You can find Melissa's monthly features on the News & Media page, discussing children's books, toys, and games,, reading, play, early years education, and enjoying a fun and greener lifestyle. For more information or any PR queries, please contact Melissa by emailing [email protected]. Categories
SHOPGreen™Children's BooksChildren's ToysChildren's GamesChildren's OutdoorCharactersGreen BeanBeckettMr BearBobbyRosieHarley
Colouring FunStorytimeHonours & Awards
We are thrilled to have won multiple awards over the years of our business growth journey.