The Green Bean Collection began in 2019 as a series of books for children, authored by Anita Frost. The books centre around the main character Green Bean, a walking, talking bean, a true delight, readers can submerge into Green Beans everyday adventures and activities, including trips to the park, and the swimming pool. More recent books include additional characters, such as a Mr Bear, Beckett and Rosie. While the books and toys had only just been launched, Anita and the team started hosting book launches, pop up shops and immersive storytime experiences. Children got to experience the brand first hand, and many have loved it from the start, and wanted to purchase more books and more toys. Green Bean and Friends is a series of collectable books and toys based on six unique characters. The upbeat style of the books engages the curiosity of children, and is complemented by a fun ‘lift-the-flap’ feature. Bright colours and engaging stories are designed to be exciting and engaging, as well as being tailored to the developmental stage of each specific target audience. The company also launched a range of plush character toys alongside the books, the growing toy range promotes play, and allows the children to create precious moments through fun adventures. Green Bean Collection has seen exceptional growth as a result of interactive storytelling events held in retail spaces. These events give families a unique chance to experience the brand and have led to growth in popularity. The company won the 2020 UK Enterprise Award for Best Children’s Toys and Books retailer. Green Bean Collection also had the privilege of receiving many glowing reviews from parents. Anita’s goal going forward is to diversify in the area of media and animation, to reach wider audiences. Her other long term goal is for Green Bean Collection to become a brand that will be loved for generations to come.
To get the Green Bean Collection or learn about all of their latest stylish goods, fun and exciting range for your little ones to learn and enjoy early years adventures head over to their website |
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Find out more about our children’s books, toys, games, outdoor activities and edutainment media. Editor
Melissa Brannlund is the features writer and editor, for Green Bean Studios. Want to keep updated on all things Green Bean?
Stay tuned for announcements on our website about exciting competitions, giveaways and the latest news from Green Bean Studios. You can find Melissa's monthly features on the News & Media page, discussing children's books, toys, and games,, reading, play, early years education, and enjoying a fun and greener lifestyle. For more information or any PR queries, please contact Melissa by emailing [email protected]. Categories
SHOPGreen™Children's BooksChildren's ToysChildren's GamesChildren's OutdoorCharactersGreen BeanBeckettMr BearBobbyRosieHarley
Colouring FunStorytimeHonours & Awards
We are thrilled to have won multiple awards over the years of our business growth journey.