When it comes to reading for pleasure this lovely lady knows her stuff. Meet Jenny Holder one of our Precious Moments Ambassadors! Click the link to hear Jenny's thoughts... Precious Moments Ambassador | Jenny Holder | Reading Coordinator and Communications Manager Jenny’s role focuses on supporting Liverpool schools to embed and develop Reading for Pleasure within their offer. As part of this work she supported over 100 schools to set up reading groups for vulnerable pupils (including those who were Looked After and on Child in Need and Child Protection plans). She won the 2021 Community Reading Champion prize at the Farshore Reading For Pleasure Teachers Awards for her work in encouraging reading during the pandemic. She worked as a primary school teacher for 13 years including time as English/Reading Lead and uses this experience in her work supporting schools with their reading offer and library areas. Jenny is an avid and eclectic reader with a particular interest in children’s and YA literature. She has postgraduate diplomas in both Children’s Literature and Strategic Literacy Leadership. Jenny is experienced in organising large scale reading projects. She worked closely with the national charity Read for Good to develop the first citywide sponsored read, the Liverpool Readathon. In 2019, Jenny established the Liverpool Children’s Festival of Reading, a set of face-to-face author events and later adapted these for online delivery during the January 2021 lockdown.
She strongly believes that reading is for everyone. She has worked with Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership to develop Read To Bump, a programme of training for professionals working with new/expectant parents to help them support families with reading together from as early as possible.
As a former primary school teacher, Jenny enjoys supporting other subjects in the curriculum. She supports and assesses schools as part of the Liverpool Counts Quality Mark and leads on the annual Liverpool Maths Party event. Jenny also leads on our digital communications, managing our social media channels and website. Liverpool Learning Partnership New Lodge Liverpool College Queens Drive Liverpool L18 8DD Precious Moments Ambassadors Is that you, a nature lover, ECO Warrior, Bookworm, or outdoor explorer? We would love to hear your Precious Moments stories, past or present. Join our Ambassadors – a community who are passionate about enabling our next generation of early years children to learn and develop with confidence. We welcome grandparents, parents, caregivers and early years educational professionals. Come and join our forever journey to give children the best start in life. Here at Green Bean Studios, we focus on achieving this through the following areas: play, fun learning, and exploring the world around us. Learn more on reading for pleasure |
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Melissa Brannlund is the features writer and editor, for Green Bean Studios. www.greenbeancollection.co.uk Want to keep updated on all things Green Bean?
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