Green Bean Books authored by Anita Frost and published by Green Bean Studios® who share values of living sustainably, nurturing the environment, and supporting children to play, learn and go on fun adventures. A Manchester-based brand that inspires a love of outdoor adventures, living a greener lifestyle, learning and embracing precious moments with your children from an early age. Bright colours and interesting stories are designed to be exciting and engaging for young children, as well as being tailored to the developmental and educational stage of each age group, including elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. Baby Books This is a collectable set containing three titles from the beautiful, high-contrast 'Baby Bean Collection' series; The high-contrast illustrations, with splashes of spot colour are specially designed for the very young to focus on. It is an ideal little library of first words books. Toddler Books Each book is made from a sturdy board, which is perfect for little hands that are still learning to turn pages. The thick pages also make it less likely that the books will get damaged from enthusiastic handling, ensuring that they will last for many readings to come. Early Readers Early Reading Books are essential for children's development. They're the first introduction to reading that your little one will have. Green bean is hear to save the day with our fantastic collection. Just use the filters below to choose your kids first reading book.
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Find out more about our children’s books, toys, games, outdoor activities and edutainment media. Editor
Melissa Brannlund is the features writer and editor, for Green Bean Studios. Want to keep updated on all things Green Bean?
Stay tuned for announcements on our website about exciting competitions, giveaways and the latest news from Green Bean Studios. You can find Melissa's monthly features on the News & Media page, discussing children's books, toys, and games,, reading, play, early years education, and enjoying a fun and greener lifestyle. For more information or any PR queries, please contact Melissa by emailing [email protected]. Categories
SHOPGreen™Children's BooksChildren's ToysChildren's GamesChildren's OutdoorCharactersGreen BeanBeckettMr BearBobbyRosieHarley
Colouring FunStorytimeHonours & Awards
We are thrilled to have won multiple awards over the years of our business growth journey.